
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

End of Year Party

We celebrated the end of our first year of Girl Scouts with a party this afternoon.  We had cupcakes and treats to share.  We gave out the 1-year membership pins to recognize their full year of scouting.

The girls topped it off with a dip in the hot tub!

We have completed all ten Daisy petals this first year.  Next year we will work on earning some of the other Daisy awards.  We can also spend time doing Girl Scout fun crafts such as making swaps to trade with other troops.

To see all of the photos from today's meeting.  Click here.

Visit our Photo Gallery to see all of the photos from this Daisy year.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Respect Authority

We took a field trip today to the local Leesburg Fire House, Company 20.

Troop 1138 + a few sibling brothers  :-)

We met with the fire fighters who work at the station.  We hung out in their kitchen and lounge to start.  The fire fighters talked to the kids about fire safety and what to do in an emergency.  We then got a tour of the fire station including the living areas where the fire fighters sleep when they stay overnight.

The kids got to go inside two of fire engines that were at the station.  Firefighter Smoothers demonstrated and explained all of the fire gear they have to put on when they go out to fight fires.

We gave the fire fighters some yummy Girl Scout cookies to say Thank You for giving our troop a talk and tour!

The girls earned their magenta "Respect Authority" petal today.  They took home a Respect Authority Color Page, also got a fun "Fire Station Visit" patch to wear on the back of the vest.

To see all of the photos from today's meeting.  Click here.

Visit our Photo Gallery to see all of the photos from this Daisy year.