Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Food Drive for Considerate & Caring

For this Thanksgiving time of year, our troop went door to door on our neighborhood street to collect food for the needy.  At our last meeting, the girls signed a food drive notice.  We made copies and brought them to the neighbors.

Today, the girls pulled their wagon and collected 74 pounds of food!  The food was delivered to Loudoun Interfaith Relief to help those in need in Loudoun County.

The girls earned their light green petal patch for their work for being considerate and caring to others.

Click here to check out all of the photos from today.  A photo page will open in a new window.

Visit our Photo Gallery to see all of our troop photos from this year.

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Daisy Investiture

We held our Daisy Investiture last Sunday, November 11th.  Our Daisy girls officially became Girl Scouts!

After receiving their Daisy pin and certificates, the girls made GS Daisy on a paper plate and enjoyed some yummy food.  You can download and print the PDF printable for this craft HERE.

Copies of the Food Drive notice that the girls signed.
The notices will be delivered to our neighbors before the next meeting.

Click here to check out all of the photos from today.  A photo page will open in a new window.

Visit our Photo Gallery to see all of our troop photos from this year.

Our friend Kaitlyn is unable to continue with Girl Scouts this year, so wish her continued success with her kindergarten year.

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